1. Why did you decide to become a vegetarian?
- This question may seem reasonable and innocent but it actually can annoy us. Why? Because it's asked by almost all non-vegetarians when they find out. Plus, the fact that a person is a vegetarian usually gets brought up because everyone is trying to decide where to eat and we have to mention that tidbit so we don't end up eating rice at a steakhouse (this has happened to me on more than one occasion unfortunately).
- My answer: I don't why to tell the truth. I was 12. Though around that time I choked on roast beef in a crowded restaurant and NOBODY helped me (yes mom and dad, even you stood there staring). I couldn't breathe and finally after 20 seconds reached down my throat to prevent an early death. So maybe being traumatized had something to do with it.
2. Is your whole family vegetarian or just you?
- Does it matter? If the person answered the first question with "I grew up as one" then that probably gives you the answer right there. Also, this can be a touchy subject if the person's family gives them a hard time about being a vegetarian.
- My answer: Nope. I'm the only one.
3. So do you still eat like, fish or eggs or nothing at all?
- Okay, vocabulary time. When people hear the word vegetarian, what they actually think of is vegan. A vegan is one that not only does not ingest any kind of animal products, but they also don't wear leather/fur/anything not man made. A vegetarian is a little more lenient. A strict vegetarian does not eat meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and for some, milk. Some only avoid red meat. Some don't eat chicken or meat. Some like omelettes with their toast in the morning but milk is a no-no. The term vegetarian offers a wide variety of diets to put it simply.
- My answer: I still eat eggs and use milk while cooking (though straight milk makes me sick so I use soymilk with my cereal). I never really likes fish and I group chicken with meat.
4. That's stupid, why would you do that?
- Okay, seriously if you ever say this, be prepared to be punched.
- My answer: ::punches idiot::
5. Are you one of those "crazy vegetarians"?
- The answer will always be no. Yes there are a few "crazy vegetarians" out there but you will figure out those ones right away, before even eating anything with them.
- Define "crazy." Is it a strict vegetarian? Or a person who doesn't like people eating meat around them? Or someone who things meat is murder and will throw a tofu pie in your face in protest?
- My answer: No. I am not a crazy vegetarian. But my opinion of your intelligence has dropped after you asked.
6. Are you going to get mad if I eat meat in front of you?
- This may not be that bad of a question but, only if the person you are with is crazy. Most vegetarians know that not everyone wants the same diet as them. Most were eating meat at some point in their life. If it's for religious reasons, if you are not the same religion, then no, they probably won't care as much. If you have to ask then you probably shouldn't order red meat while with them.
- My answer: No, I do not care what you eat. I'll even tell you your chicken smells good (because chicken does smell good to me). It was my decision to be vegetarian and I'm not going to impose that on you just like you shouldn't impose your diet on me.
7. How do you stay healthy with no meat?
- Meat is not as healthy as one may think. Also, it should not make up the largest proportion of your diet fyi. There are plenty of other foods that provide much needed protein.
- My answer: Seriously, do NOT become a dietitian.
8. Don't you want to try this ::insert meat item here::?
- Do I even have to explain this one?
- My answer: Actually, typically I laugh if I know the person's joking. But a warning: a lot of vegetarians may pretend to know and go along with your joking but will seriously take offense.
Are you a vegetarian? Have you ever said something to seriously tick a vegetarian off? Share you experiences in the comments! Also, don't forget you can follow me on twitter (Epilogical)
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