Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Art of Kind People

They say nothing is free.  You also never expect a surprise because by definition, a surprise is unexpected.

I had two surprising things happen this week.  First, a dear friend of mine and I were going to go out to dinner last THursday in order to celebrate the recent letters added after my name (ie. a new degree).  Well, this sweet and totally awesome friend decided to surprise me by also inviting four others I'm friends with from the place we volunteer at to come and celebrate with us.  Lovely surprise, great dinner.

The second surprise happened just a few hours ago.  For those who have been following along, you know that my full-time job ends in a week.  So today, after working a morning shift and doing some much needed errands, I decided to relax by the pool for a little bit and then go out to dinner.  I decided to go to Mirko Pasta (see my review from a few months ago for more details on that place).  I went by myself with isn't unusual (they're really fast there so it isn't long before I'm eating.  Well, I asked the waitress for a to go box.  When she came back she said "I know this is going to sound weird but you're meal is already paid for.  A gentleman took care of it."  She didn't know who but said she was going to find out for me.

I of course, looked around the restaurant to try to figure out who it was.  I started by looking for someone I knew (a friend, colleague, former classmate, or even a professor).  Nope, did not know anyone there.  Then, I started looking for a man sitting alone.  No luck, I was the only one there alone actually.  I looked around again for someone looking at me giving away their anonymity.  No one.  I gave up.

Shortly, a gentleman around the age of 50 made eye contact with me for a few seconds.  After he and his wife left, his waitress came over to me and told me that he had asked her "Is that girl eating alone?"  She had responded with "Yes." He then told her "I'm going to pay for her meal.  She looks like a really nice person.  Just don't tell my wife."  Who by the way, must've temporarily left the table when the conversation took place.

The mystery was solved.  That is the first time a complete stranger had bought my dinner for me.  It wasn't much, couldn't have been more than around $15.  But it was a real surprise. He didn't know I was losing my major source of income after next week.  He also didn't know I earned my degree a month ago and celebrating it just occurred finally on Thursday.  He didn't know about my cousin's death a few days after graduation or that my most recent relationship ended a few days after the funeral (that was a really hard week to get through between both of those).  He doesn't know about the amount in student loans I have is more than the condo I really want right now that's downtown (finding a job-job first though, then I can get a condo)  He certainly didn't know that I was going to blog about it.  He just knew me as the girl eating alone who smiled and was very polite to her waitress just like I only know him as the kind gentleman who paid for a stranger's meal.

So, there are things in life that are free.  True friends who will surprise you is one.  Kindness towards others is another.  I will remember that gentleman and his kind gesture when I am older and see a young girl sitting by herself in a restaurant.


Coleen said...

Nice. You really should write a book about survival in the Big City.

Epilogical said...

There are actually a few book ideas going through my head right now. I'll add that one to the list :)