Sunday, July 29, 2012

Top Things People Ask Pharmacy Employees

The top things I hear on a daily basis at work:

1. Where's the bathroom?

2. Do you have oxycodone in stock? (by the way, that's the #1 thing that's asked on the phone)

3. ::2 seconds after handing a prescription to me:: How much will my copay be? (sheesh give me a minute to run it)

4. Is there anything over the counter for pink eye?

5. Where are the earplugs?  (that one is reasonable because our company wasn't smart enough to give that section it's own sign)

6. Can I wait for it?

7. Why can't I fill my ::insert controlled substance drug here:: now?

8. Are you the pharmacist? / Can I ask the pharmacist a question?

9. Do you have Plan B?

10. What's a prior authorization?

11. No, I didn't get your phone call.

12. Can you see if my doctor called something in for me?

13. I want to check to see if something is filled before I came in. (on the phone)

14. (on the phone...again) I want to refill something but I don't have the number.

15. (store-specific question) What time is the clinic open until?

16. What time do you close?

17. I got a phone call from you guys. I didn't listen to the message though.

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