Monday, April 30, 2012

What I Learned From My Professor

Professors.  We have them in college, we have then in grad school, we have them in professional school.  Here is a list of some of my all time favorite quotes from some of my professors from undergrad and grad school.  Some are funny, some you had to be there, and some are just plain mean.  Regardless, these have all actually been said by a professor right in front of me.  *Note: if you were in my class when this was said, please do not identify the professor on here.

No faith in the class
(Advice on reading journal articles) Just look at the figures.  I mean, this is an upper level class, but it's an undergrad upper level class.

Well, if you don't understand it Epilogical, I know no one else in the class does. (He was being serious)

 Epilogical, I'm only telling you because I know that as long as you know what to do, your group will do it right.

I hope you all have been studying for the upcoming ::pauses and looks around:: midterm ::makes frantic motion::  Who said that word?

(About a student who is chronically late to class) I'm sure ::student's name:: will grace us with his presence 20 minutes into class.

All anyone here will ever amount to is cleaning up animal s**t at the local fair.

No faith in the profession
When I don't feel like talking to anyone at a party, I just tell them I'm a statistician.

Most people think philosophers are really smart and deep thinkers.  In reality, we are all just band members sick of working at McDonald's.

Seriously, don't go to grad school for my field.  You'll hate it.

Ghost whisperer
Old people tend to die.

Well, you're not going to be saying anything, you're dead

So if someone asks you if you've seen any blue fairies dancing in the air would you say yes?

What's in a name?
Don't call me Dr. ::last name:: because I don't have my Ph.D. yet.  Or Mr. ::last name:: because that's my dad.  Just call me ::first name:: or you can say "hey dumbass" even if that's how you feel.

Oxymorons 101
I know I said you will lose credit but if you hand in late homework assignments, but if you hand them in now I'll give you full credit.

This will never be known, but you still have to know it.

Why should I give anyone in the class who got the answer right, credit?

The miracle of plants
When has strawberry DNA ever clogged up the sink?

So can plants cure cancer?

The 70's throwback
If you are not hip to my jive, just let me know.  (note: the year was 2007 not 1977)

I hate my colleagues....
(Mocking another professor he knows I don't like) It's another ::snicker:: active learning question, right Epilogical?
         Me: Shut up ::professor laughs::

I don't believe in giving weekly homework assignments that take days to do.  Unlike some people I heard about.

Whatever you've learned in previous classes, ignore it because it will be wrong in this class.

Of course you can have him as an advisor.  You'll want to slit your wrists after a week though.

(On faculty meetings) I hate our meetings.  It's like a game of who's the idiot of the week?

.....But I like my job
Actually, the class reviews don't technically matter when you have tenure.  I mean I could kill you guys and still not get fired.  Okay, that's a little extreme.
(New professor who's never taught before) So what can I do in class to make it better.
     (This person actually then grabbed a notebook and took notes on suggestions)

(About a conversation occurring before class) I'm not sure what you guys are talking about but I have a feeling I would be forced to disagree since I'm a professor even if I agree so I don't want to know.

I'm being serious, the dean actually told me to take attendance because she said "what if one of your students is out killing someone during class time?"  And you think I rather have them in my class?

Are there any memorable quotes you have from professors?  Feel free to share in the comments.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Working at the Pharm(acy)

I think I've mentioned in a previous post that I work in a pharmacy.  If not, well, now I have.  Anyways, I work for a chain which always makes things interesting.  To protect my job, I'm not going to say what chain or where it's located.  But, I thought I bring up some of the stories of things that have happened at the store I've been working at for the past 3 years that don't occur on a daily basis.

Last year, the store manager came in to work and found a great surprise one morning.  Our front doors were opened.  By opened I mean gone.  And by gone I mean the whole front entrance was no longer standing.  See, there were a rash of ATM robberies occurring in the area and we were the next target on their list apparently.  The front entrance to the store has an ATM so instead of doing something normal like breaking the glass in the entrance or something, they went all out.  The group reportedly had two stolen vans (know where this is going yet?).  They decided to use the one as a battering ram and drove it through the entrance of the store.  Unfortunately for them (and what made me laugh when I saw the aftermath pictures) a beam fell right in front of the ATM making it impossible for them to get any money out of.  

Think about this for a second: their main reason for doing this has now been blocked.  They are in the store.  There is a whole bunch of crap right there in front (ie cigarettes and the expensive keep behind the counter crap).  They do not take any of it and just leave in the second van.  Of course, there was a witness who saw everything across the street and I'm sure we had alarms going off in the store so that may have also deterred them.  I think they tried to run the witness over by the way.

Anyways, so chain store now has a large mess.  Their solution while waiting to get the front redone was board up the entire front and lock it with a chain when we closed at night.  Funny enough, the store wasn't robbed during that month.  Oh, and the company that owned the ATM took it out for a few months after that.

Another event happened while I was working, actually, right after I walked in.  Apparently, the person who followed in right after me (like literally I'm sure I was still on video when he walked in) had a gun.  And would use it if necessary.  No, he did not rob the pharmacy.  He did rob the front end of the store and the girl who was at the register at the time, told me the guy had waited for me to walk to the back before approaching (must've known not to mess with me).  He took off with whatever was in the drawer but it was also morning so there could not have been much in that drawer.

Now, this one occurred when I was working AND I was involved.  I smelled something burning which with our crappy equipment wasn't anything new.  Besides, no one else back in the pharmacy could smell it, at least not for a few minutes.  About 5 minutes after I started to smell it, a patient that was waiting in the clinic came over to me and told me there was some smoke in the hallway (which is in the back of the store and just has the bathrooms).  So, I come out, thinking it's no big deal since she didn't seem all that worried.  I think I made the comment "so that's what I smell."  Apparently "a little smoke" is defined as the whole hallway filled with smoke.  And it was thick.

I walk back over to the pharmacy telling them to call the manager.  Everyone waiting at the clinic was silent at that point. I don't understand that exactly because until I came out, they were going about as normal.  There's smoke, you don't think there's anything wrong?  It wasn't until I told the pharmacist to call the manager before everyone thinks "oh, yeah smoke in the pharmacy probably isn't a normal occurrence."

Anyways, the manager happened to be right there and took one look and said he was going to call the fire department.  At that point everyone in the clinic start to get up and move (the waiting area is right by the hall).  Before he goes to call though, we decide to kind of explore the bathrooms to see if it really warrants getting all the nosey people coming in due to there being a fire truck outside.  Well, the fire was in the metal garbage can in the men's bathroom.  It was out and just smoking at that point.  We guessed some moron went into the bathroom for a smoke while waiting at the clinic or hiding the fact he smoked from his girlfriend and threw the cigarette in the trash.  What idiot does that?  Really not giving smokers a good reputation there.

To end the story, we didn't call the fire department and propped a door in the back open for a few minutes to clear the smoke out and dissipate the smell.

And since I forgot to post it on my last post, I am now on twitter.  If you are interested in following me, my name is Epilogical (and no I do not put my real name down for professional reasons).  If you are interested in more pharmacy tales, I will be posting soon a list of what NOT to say to your pharmacist and an explanation of the real reason it takes 15 minutes to fill your prescription.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Free Time? Wait....Huh?

After a stressful year, I have discovered something new.  Free time.  That's right, I have time to spend however I so chose.  Granted, I'm still working about 50 hours a week, but the work doesn't come home with me anymore, which means when I get home.....I get home.  So, what will I do with this newly found time?  Probably the same as most other people would do.  But, here is a list with my own little epilogical twist.

1. Sleep

That's right dudes and dudettes, I am going to actually be able to sleep more instead of working on a project into the wee hours of the night.  Sleep is important.  They recommend 8 hours a night but realistically, like food, the amount we need varies from person to person.  I had a sociology professor in undergrad who claimed he went to bed at 2am and would wake up at 4am every day.  That's all he needed.  I bet that just made a world of new moms grumble under their breath.  Other people need 10 hours of sleep a day to be able to function.  For me, I find that 7 seems to suit me pretty well.

2. Play more rounds of cover letter roulette

For my seasoned readers, you know that my contract for my main job (and main source of income) is running out real soon.  What I haven't told you yet is that it has been extended one last time to June 30th.  For those new to this blog, the previous sentence just summed up all you need to know for this explanation.  Basically, I need a job, preferably one that uses my degree because, you know, I just gave myself $60,000 of loans to get it, I should try to use it at least.  So finding a job has become my new part time job.  Except this one doesn't pay so maybe it's more like volunteer work.  Except you can't put it on a resume as relative experience.

3. Learn German

I tried to start learning German after my first year of grad school but I had to stop...twice.  Time became so priceless that I needed it for other activities (like work and the big T aka thesis).  But now I have time in case you didn't realize that yet.  Lucky for me, my boyfriend knows German and is willing to help me whenever I want.  Unfortunately, my parents read this blog, or at least one of them does that I know of, which means my facebook will probably start to have things in German from them on it.

4. Work more

Yes, I am a workaholic.  But this is for a good reason.  I need the money because the loan companies are in full "listen woman you should've had a job by now so start paying us back" ie. grace period is over.  Actually, it has been but now I really do have no excuse to not be paying into it.  Plus, the extra income can either be a) saved for a rainy day or b) put towards paying off the loans quicker.  I know my second job has already told me pretty much "Epilogical, we will use you because we need you."  We both benefit.  I get money, they get labor from one of their awesome employees.  We're all awesome there, but that doesn't mean I can't say I'm awesome by myself.

5. Volunteer more

Though it sounds trite, volunteering is rewarding.  I have to put in a story here also.  Last Saturday, I was out shopping to spend some coupons I had.  While at one store, I saw a mother and her daughter, who was about 4 or 5.  She was holding her mother's hand.  I didn't see until they walked by me that the daughter had a walking stick.  She was blind.  It made me wonder about her story.  Whether she was born blind or if it developed.  If she was completely blind or if she could tell the difference between light and dark.  Of course, it's none of my business so I walked by without a second look.  But it made me think about volunteer work with children with disabilities.  Or children in general, which is what I do at one volunteer place.

6. Read more

I used to be an avid reader as a child.  We used to have a contest at my elementary school of which class read the most books.  Every 25 pages counted as a point.  We would fill out the reading forms monthly and our parents would sign them.  I think it was called PARP (parents as reading partners but I read too much for mine to keep up).  In second or third grade, I had more points than everyone else in the class combined to which I was sent to the principal to show (he wasn't that enthusiastic about it as I recall).

7. Blog more

I have some new ideas of what to do.  A sneak peak is new items such as: interviews, restaurant reviews (though I already did one already), museum/event overviews, and more humor.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Why Yes, I Have Children

I was planning on doing a more entertaining post on funny things children say but I don't have any myself so I needed help from others in that respect.  I received too short of a list to make it it's own post so I will put down what I received so far:

1.  "While at Julia's concert today, Luke was begging me to go with him to find the "confession stand" "
2.  "At the zoo, my niece asked me why sometimes the kids have brown mommies when they're not"
3. "Brayden asked to see my cane and at age 4, said as he tried to use it 'I'm so old grandma' "

I do have two children of my own.  They just meow instead of talk.  When you think about it, pets are like having children, and many people decide NOT to have any kids since they already have pets and treat them as such.  For those fellow pet owners, you are probably shaking your heads in agreement.  For those without pets, I'll explain why pets are considered pets (with some specific examples I've experienced with my current two cats and from when our family had a dog).

1. They are living creatures.

  •  Animals have their own needs that you have to be on top of.  They require to be fed, given water, a nice large queen-size bed to sleep on er.....a pet bed.  They also need to have playtime and acknowledged by you, their "parent"

2. They have additional needs besides food and shelter.
  • Since it's just me living here, both my cats are constantly trying to get individualized attention from their mommy.  They will even "push" each other out of the way.  And by push I mean swatted at or chased away.  Millie, my dog, used to be the same way, except she was an only pet and there were 4 of us in my family so attention was not a problem.  Though she did have an issue with family members hugging each other and tried to join in....
  • They also will miss you when you're not home.  My homecoming is usually me being met by two cats bounding down the hall to purr and rub against me.  Of course, that could also be because when I get home from work, they know they're getting their wetfood.
3. They get sick.
  • Unfortunately, I have had plenty of experiences in this category.  But to generalize this: pets are living creatures and therefore are prone to bacteria/viral infections.  So they have to go to their doctor....and it isn't cheap in most instances.  
  • Also, please spay/neuter your dog or cat.  It's the single most responsible thing you can do as a pet parent.  You wouldn't like your teenage daughter coming home pregnant or to find out you 14 year old son is a soon-to-be dad, the same should be true about your pet.  Plus, they typically have more than 1 pup/kitten at a time.  Remember that next time you're thinking your pet knows how to say no (because in most cases, they don't)

4. They like to bug you in the middle of the night.
  • I don't think there has been a night since owning a pet that I've slept the entire night without having a cat pounce on me, tap my face to lift up the blanket for them to crawl under, a dog whining to go outside, a dog whining to be let into the bedroom, etc.

5. You have to clean up after them
  • I'll leave the obvious explanation out.
  • They also tend to knock things over.  I've had countless cups and the like knocked over by a cat (usually Sascode) filled with water for the past year.
  • Dogs also have a strange fascination with the garbage

6. They get pissy
  • It can be against each other or you.  Either way, you usually end up with scratch or bite marks on you. Oh those teenage years.

7. They misbehave
  • I know I've had to shout at my two cats for fighting or injuring each other.  I know I'm not the only one.

8. Occasionally, you need to find a baby-sitter
  • This may be because you're going out of town or because they need to be under watch due to a recent surgery and you have to work.  Either way, they can't be left alone for the amount of time you won't be home.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Musings From a Poor Educated Chick with Free Bread

I'm thinking about writing a book, and calling it the same as the title for this post.

The one thing I am able to do at work a lot is think, and think I do.  Lately, as you can probably guess, I've been thinking about what I'm going to do for work.  I haven't heard anything about my contract being extended so the current end date, as far as I know, is April 30th.  My third job ends mid-May which means that I will be down to one job soon and ironically, it's the one that pays the least.  I'm still playing roulette and will be sending in more applications for jobs in the upcoming week now that the big research project is *almost* out of the way and I have the smaller, but still kind of a big deal one left.

The next thing that I start to think about is money.  How the hell am I going to be able to afford things with the sudden drastic drop in income (even if I work full-time at my second job, I'm still only going to be bringing home about 40% of what I am now pretty soon).  I will have to get back into the coupon habit, which I let slip due to lack of time to do anything the past few months.  Epa still needs to get the second half of her procedure done, which a friend is urging me to get a second opinion before doing.  If I had the time and money for a second vet, I probably would do it without a second thought.

I may be looking for a roommate pretty soon since my apartment is a two bedroom.

My father told me last night that even if I'm still looking for a job in a few months to not get discouraged.  It's good advice, but it's also easier said than done.  Keep that in mind fellow rouletters.  I have also come to the decision that if I don't hear anything from anywhere by the dreaded April 30th mark, I'm going to do a Katie and work multiple jobs where my degree isn't of any use.  I'm thinking Kohls or Target because I could use an employee discount at either.  Or someplace where I deal with animals because people tend to become annoying.  Or get into a lab and (ha) put my undergrad degree to good use.

On a completely different note, I went grocery shopping today since I took off of work to get research done. Nothing special, but I did buy a ton of things in order to cook a bunch of meals for this week.  While walking out, there was a gentlemen in the cart area offering free samples.  Those free samples were packages of 6 Martin's potato rolls.  Did I buy dinner rolls already in the store?  No.  Did I need diner rolls? No. Did I take the two packages he offered me?  Oh hell yes.  So, this week while I continue to work deep in thought, I can munch on a potato roll.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Updates From the !~Dining Room1` Table

The random characters in the title are the result of my still drugged up cat rolling around on my keyboard as I was typing.  I decided to keep them in as a reminder

Update 1 - The Cat
For those who are interested: surgery one of two for this cat came to about $1060.  Surgery two's estimate comes in at $800, but her mouth (and my wallet!) have to heal first before we even think about that one.

Update 2 - Research
One of the two major research projects I have to finish this month is really close to being done (as long as there are no surprises lurking between the pages).  Therefore, I have started focusing on the second one more to blow through this upcoming week.

Update 3 - Work
I think since the beginning of March I have taken almost two full weeks off from work in order to get major project number 1 completed (and it was worth it though that means I'm taking a big hit in income as a result).

However, since I have no idea when my job is actually going to end (I hate this), I'm making the assumption that I will be out of the job beginning May 1st and am starting to really push to find a new job, between working on the two research projects that is.  So, any good thoughts from everyone would be greatly appreciated!

Update 4 - Loans
So, I did a tally of my loans.  Remember how I gave an estimate of $80,000?  Well, officially, I'm at:

$17,538.35 undergrad

$69,264.44 grad

= $86,802.79 total

Yep, I owe enough that it could buy itself a nice little house in the suburbs.

My personal goal, it to be under $17,000 for the undergrad loan by June 1st, which won't actually be a problem because my kwikpay (yes I signed up for that bad boy) withdraws $217 every month so I just have to throw in another $100 or so on my own.  Overall, I would like to be under $86,000 total at the same time which means I'll probably have to throw in at least $1,000 towards my grad loan to 1) null the interest and 2) actually bring the total down or, I could pay the interest on the grad loan and put the rest towards the undergrad loan to drop the overall total. Future interest-wise though, it's smarter to put the money towards the grad loan. So essentially I'll have to pay probably about $1,600 when accounting for interest to drop the overall total below $86,000.  Now I'm ready to cry so on to......

Update 5 - New guy!
In the middle of this craziness, I started dating a new guy.  The only thing I'll say about him on here is that he's the reptile guy who wrote the guest post last month.

And in terms of The Amazing Loan Race: new month, new start.