Monday, April 23, 2012

Free Time? Wait....Huh?

After a stressful year, I have discovered something new.  Free time.  That's right, I have time to spend however I so chose.  Granted, I'm still working about 50 hours a week, but the work doesn't come home with me anymore, which means when I get home.....I get home.  So, what will I do with this newly found time?  Probably the same as most other people would do.  But, here is a list with my own little epilogical twist.

1. Sleep

That's right dudes and dudettes, I am going to actually be able to sleep more instead of working on a project into the wee hours of the night.  Sleep is important.  They recommend 8 hours a night but realistically, like food, the amount we need varies from person to person.  I had a sociology professor in undergrad who claimed he went to bed at 2am and would wake up at 4am every day.  That's all he needed.  I bet that just made a world of new moms grumble under their breath.  Other people need 10 hours of sleep a day to be able to function.  For me, I find that 7 seems to suit me pretty well.

2. Play more rounds of cover letter roulette

For my seasoned readers, you know that my contract for my main job (and main source of income) is running out real soon.  What I haven't told you yet is that it has been extended one last time to June 30th.  For those new to this blog, the previous sentence just summed up all you need to know for this explanation.  Basically, I need a job, preferably one that uses my degree because, you know, I just gave myself $60,000 of loans to get it, I should try to use it at least.  So finding a job has become my new part time job.  Except this one doesn't pay so maybe it's more like volunteer work.  Except you can't put it on a resume as relative experience.

3. Learn German

I tried to start learning German after my first year of grad school but I had to stop...twice.  Time became so priceless that I needed it for other activities (like work and the big T aka thesis).  But now I have time in case you didn't realize that yet.  Lucky for me, my boyfriend knows German and is willing to help me whenever I want.  Unfortunately, my parents read this blog, or at least one of them does that I know of, which means my facebook will probably start to have things in German from them on it.

4. Work more

Yes, I am a workaholic.  But this is for a good reason.  I need the money because the loan companies are in full "listen woman you should've had a job by now so start paying us back" ie. grace period is over.  Actually, it has been but now I really do have no excuse to not be paying into it.  Plus, the extra income can either be a) saved for a rainy day or b) put towards paying off the loans quicker.  I know my second job has already told me pretty much "Epilogical, we will use you because we need you."  We both benefit.  I get money, they get labor from one of their awesome employees.  We're all awesome there, but that doesn't mean I can't say I'm awesome by myself.

5. Volunteer more

Though it sounds trite, volunteering is rewarding.  I have to put in a story here also.  Last Saturday, I was out shopping to spend some coupons I had.  While at one store, I saw a mother and her daughter, who was about 4 or 5.  She was holding her mother's hand.  I didn't see until they walked by me that the daughter had a walking stick.  She was blind.  It made me wonder about her story.  Whether she was born blind or if it developed.  If she was completely blind or if she could tell the difference between light and dark.  Of course, it's none of my business so I walked by without a second look.  But it made me think about volunteer work with children with disabilities.  Or children in general, which is what I do at one volunteer place.

6. Read more

I used to be an avid reader as a child.  We used to have a contest at my elementary school of which class read the most books.  Every 25 pages counted as a point.  We would fill out the reading forms monthly and our parents would sign them.  I think it was called PARP (parents as reading partners but I read too much for mine to keep up).  In second or third grade, I had more points than everyone else in the class combined to which I was sent to the principal to show (he wasn't that enthusiastic about it as I recall).

7. Blog more

I have some new ideas of what to do.  A sneak peak is new items such as: interviews, restaurant reviews (though I already did one already), museum/event overviews, and more humor.

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