The random characters in the title are the result of my still drugged up cat rolling around on my keyboard as I was typing. I decided to keep them in as a reminder
Update 1 - The Cat
For those who are interested: surgery one of two for this cat came to about $1060. Surgery two's estimate comes in at $800, but her mouth (and my wallet!) have to heal first before we even think about that one.
Update 2 - Research
One of the two major research projects I have to finish this month is really close to being done (as long as there are no surprises lurking between the pages). Therefore, I have started focusing on the second one more to blow through this upcoming week.
Update 3 - Work
I think since the beginning of March I have taken almost two full weeks off from work in order to get major project number 1 completed (and it was worth it though that means I'm taking a big hit in income as a result).
However, since I have no idea when my job is actually going to end (I hate this), I'm making the assumption that I will be out of the job beginning May 1st and am starting to really push to find a new job, between working on the two research projects that is. So, any good thoughts from everyone would be greatly appreciated!
Update 4 - Loans
So, I did a tally of my loans. Remember how I gave an estimate of $80,000? Well, officially, I'm at:
$17,538.35 undergrad
$69,264.44 grad
= $86,802.79 total
Yep, I owe enough that it could buy itself a nice little house in the suburbs.
My personal goal, it to be under $17,000 for the undergrad loan by June 1st, which won't actually be a problem because my kwikpay (yes I signed up for that bad boy) withdraws $217 every month so I just have to throw in another $100 or so on my own. Overall, I would like to be under $86,000 total at the same time which means I'll probably have to throw in at least $1,000 towards my grad loan to 1) null the interest and 2) actually bring the total down or, I could pay the interest on the grad loan and put the rest towards the undergrad loan to drop the overall total. Future interest-wise though, it's smarter to put the money towards the grad loan. So essentially I'll have to pay probably about $1,600 when accounting for interest to drop the overall total below $86,000. Now I'm ready to cry so on to......
Update 5 - New guy!
In the middle of this craziness, I started dating a new guy. The only thing I'll say about him on here is that he's the reptile guy who wrote the guest post last month.
And in terms of The Amazing Loan Race: new month, new start.
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