Friday, April 27, 2012

Working at the Pharm(acy)

I think I've mentioned in a previous post that I work in a pharmacy.  If not, well, now I have.  Anyways, I work for a chain which always makes things interesting.  To protect my job, I'm not going to say what chain or where it's located.  But, I thought I bring up some of the stories of things that have happened at the store I've been working at for the past 3 years that don't occur on a daily basis.

Last year, the store manager came in to work and found a great surprise one morning.  Our front doors were opened.  By opened I mean gone.  And by gone I mean the whole front entrance was no longer standing.  See, there were a rash of ATM robberies occurring in the area and we were the next target on their list apparently.  The front entrance to the store has an ATM so instead of doing something normal like breaking the glass in the entrance or something, they went all out.  The group reportedly had two stolen vans (know where this is going yet?).  They decided to use the one as a battering ram and drove it through the entrance of the store.  Unfortunately for them (and what made me laugh when I saw the aftermath pictures) a beam fell right in front of the ATM making it impossible for them to get any money out of.  

Think about this for a second: their main reason for doing this has now been blocked.  They are in the store.  There is a whole bunch of crap right there in front (ie cigarettes and the expensive keep behind the counter crap).  They do not take any of it and just leave in the second van.  Of course, there was a witness who saw everything across the street and I'm sure we had alarms going off in the store so that may have also deterred them.  I think they tried to run the witness over by the way.

Anyways, so chain store now has a large mess.  Their solution while waiting to get the front redone was board up the entire front and lock it with a chain when we closed at night.  Funny enough, the store wasn't robbed during that month.  Oh, and the company that owned the ATM took it out for a few months after that.

Another event happened while I was working, actually, right after I walked in.  Apparently, the person who followed in right after me (like literally I'm sure I was still on video when he walked in) had a gun.  And would use it if necessary.  No, he did not rob the pharmacy.  He did rob the front end of the store and the girl who was at the register at the time, told me the guy had waited for me to walk to the back before approaching (must've known not to mess with me).  He took off with whatever was in the drawer but it was also morning so there could not have been much in that drawer.

Now, this one occurred when I was working AND I was involved.  I smelled something burning which with our crappy equipment wasn't anything new.  Besides, no one else back in the pharmacy could smell it, at least not for a few minutes.  About 5 minutes after I started to smell it, a patient that was waiting in the clinic came over to me and told me there was some smoke in the hallway (which is in the back of the store and just has the bathrooms).  So, I come out, thinking it's no big deal since she didn't seem all that worried.  I think I made the comment "so that's what I smell."  Apparently "a little smoke" is defined as the whole hallway filled with smoke.  And it was thick.

I walk back over to the pharmacy telling them to call the manager.  Everyone waiting at the clinic was silent at that point. I don't understand that exactly because until I came out, they were going about as normal.  There's smoke, you don't think there's anything wrong?  It wasn't until I told the pharmacist to call the manager before everyone thinks "oh, yeah smoke in the pharmacy probably isn't a normal occurrence."

Anyways, the manager happened to be right there and took one look and said he was going to call the fire department.  At that point everyone in the clinic start to get up and move (the waiting area is right by the hall).  Before he goes to call though, we decide to kind of explore the bathrooms to see if it really warrants getting all the nosey people coming in due to there being a fire truck outside.  Well, the fire was in the metal garbage can in the men's bathroom.  It was out and just smoking at that point.  We guessed some moron went into the bathroom for a smoke while waiting at the clinic or hiding the fact he smoked from his girlfriend and threw the cigarette in the trash.  What idiot does that?  Really not giving smokers a good reputation there.

To end the story, we didn't call the fire department and propped a door in the back open for a few minutes to clear the smoke out and dissipate the smell.

And since I forgot to post it on my last post, I am now on twitter.  If you are interested in following me, my name is Epilogical (and no I do not put my real name down for professional reasons).  If you are interested in more pharmacy tales, I will be posting soon a list of what NOT to say to your pharmacist and an explanation of the real reason it takes 15 minutes to fill your prescription.

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