Monday, October 8, 2012

Why Being a Drug Dealer is Bad For My Health

First off, let me state two fun facts that actually do have to do with this post:
1. I asked a drug rep if his company was hiring when he stopped by work today.
2. My colleagues already know I'm writing this.

My current job is bad for my health (and some of my colleagues probably as well).

Before I go into why, let me explain some things.  I like my job and I like my colleagues.  If it paid more, I'd probably wouldn't be so desperate to find a new job to afford my student loan payments.  It does not injure my mental health at all.  It doesn't increase my stress...or at least not when I leave the place or right before going in.

The problem is what we voluntarily do every day.  We order out.  Or at least some of colleagues do.  Most days, if I have a decent lunch/dinner I'll pass for two reasons:

1. It costs money

2. I would get fat

Let's look into these reasons more in depth shall we?

It costs money
When you order out, you have to pay for it.  A post I wrote long ago (okay, less than a year ago) said one way to decrease your spending is to bring your own lunch to work, or brown bag it.  Why does this save money?  Let's look at a common example from my job.

We order pizza often.  And with pizza usually breadsticks (or a second pizza depending on how many people are in).  The average cost per person is $7 if three people are ordering.  I just bought a Kashi pizza yesterday for myself to heat up for $5.99.  So if I wait until I get home for my pizza craving, I would save $1 and get a healthier pizza which I will discuss later.  My lunch usually consists of a lean cuisine or smart ones or something I cooked at home and divided up portions for the week.  Average price: $2.  With a piece of fruit, some pretzels, some chocolate and yogurt for breakfast, my total food cost at work is somewhere around $5, less if I bring in leftover crockpot meals (average total recipe cost $10 and I get a good 6 portions out of it).  If I get in on the pizza, I'm still going to want a snack and still have to eat breakfast.   which would bring my total cost up to around $10.  That's $10 a day or $50 dollars a week versus $25 at most if I bring my own lunch a total savings of $25.

My goal right now is to spend less than $30 a week in food (goal met the last couple weeks since I started by the way).  Eating out at work blows through almost double that and I still have to worry about two meals for the rest of the day.

I would get fat
I chose to word it that way because one colleague told us all to tell them if they start to get fat.  Basically, it leads to poorer eating habits on my part.  As much as I love it, pizza is not healthy.  I try to work around it with the Kashi mediterranean veggie pizza which gives the added vegetables.  Thai food also seems to be a favorite at work as proven today.  Now, you can eat healthy when you eat out bu most places that deliver do not have too many options.  And besides, you don't know the fact/sodium/other crap content of that container of food.  McDonald's is another favorite at work, enough said (given I do usually get a large fry from there if I have the $2).

When I order out a lot, I gain weight.  I don't want to gain weight.  Therefore, if I plan my meal(s) ahead of time, I can avoid surprises, especially since the portions won't be larger than I would normally eat, like most are when we order out.

Basic point: I eat healthier and save money, both of which are very important at this point in time.

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