Saturday, February 11, 2012

Entertaining Mothers

I thought I switch it up and make a more entertaining post for those who know my mother in honor of the fact that she is coming for a visit in a few days!  I guess I should add here that she also has a blog of her own.  It's on crafting so if you're interested check it out: My Awesome Mom's Blog

Anyways, my mother has been pretty entertaining over the years.  I think the oldest thing we still bring up once in a while is an event that happened several years ago when we were in Disney World.  That's right, the happiest place on Earth.  So a little background about our trip.  I was about 12(ish) which would make my brother 8(ish). Now, my brother loved the pool at the hotel (I think it was the All Star Sports or some weird name like that, it had a sports theme).   So every time my parents asked us what we wanted to do next, he would always say "let's go back to the hotel".  No!  We're on vay-cay little dude!  You're supposed to want to go on the rides or run around like crazy or eat or something.  So after a couple of days of this my mother asked all of us what we wanted to do.  My brother, of course, suggested going back to the hotel.  My father and I pretty much shrugged and said something along the lines of "go on more rides or something".  I don't remember WHAT happened next, I just remember afterwards my mother was about 10 feet away from us and said very loudly "We are going on this ride and we are going to have FUN!"

So, if you have ever heard that story before when talking to a friend or relative while planning a trip to Disney World, please let me know because there were a lot of people standing around and I'm sure that story got told.

Another, more recent event from a few years ago, happened in the privacy of our home.  My mother and brother were having a discussion and she asked him a question.  It wasn't a yes or no question so my brother said a few sentences and when he had stopped, my mother turned to him and said "I'm sorry, what did you say?  I wasn't paying attention."  This caused my brother and I to exchange confused looks for a second before we both said "You asked and didn't even pay attention to the answer?"  So my mom said sorry and asked him what he said and my brother, said "Well, how do I know you are going to listen this time?" or something to that effect.  I don't think he ever repeated his answer.

The last one that sticks out is from a few days ago.  My mother and I were talking on the phone and in mid-conversation she said "You need to get married and have babies.  Specifically a girl."  Since this was completely random I had to ask "Why?"  So, you think her response would be "I want grandkids I'm getting old" or "All my friends are grandparents and they won't let me join their secret club" or something like that.  No.  Her reasoning was and I quote "I'm making pillowcase dresses."  That was the reason that I need to find a boyfriend, marry him, and get the oven cooking.  A few minutes later she sends me a text (while we are still talking) with a picture of one of the dresses, which was very cute I have to admit, and labelled it "my granddaughter's dress".

So, hopefully you laughed at least once while reading this.  If you would like to share your funny mom stories, feel free to comment below.  The one that makes me laugh the most will get mentioned in a future post for all to read.

And now I'm sure my mother is going to get me back for this by posting some story on her blog about me or just kick my butt when she gets here.  The next post will probably be about the joys of a resume roulette since I just spent yet another 4 hours fixing mine today.

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