Friday, June 8, 2012

What NOT To Say To Women Online

I made the realization today that I have not posted in over a week.  Partly because nothing too exciting has happened or has annoyed me enough to write a post about.  I haven't had time to go back for the second part of the museum review (hoping to do it next week I promise!).

I know something I can give advice about.  Online dating.  Yes, that.  For those who don't know, or haven't figured it out yet, I am a female.  Therefore online dating sites are a goldmine for me since 90% of those on the *free* dating sites (I don't know about the ones you have to pay for) are single, straight men.  Now, because of this large proportion of men, my profile tends to get a lot of views, and quickly as soon as a picture of me is up.  It also tends to get a lot of messages.  Now, I can by no means say this is true for every women but dudes: there are just some general things that will get you ignored very quickly.

Things NOT to say/do when messaging a woman online (Epilogical's view)

1. Lack of proper English/spelling/grammer.

If I had a nickel for every time a guy has said something along the lines of "Hey babe, wanna chat wit me?"....I don't think I would still be looking for a job right now.  No I don't "wanna" chat with you because you seemed to have failed 5th grade writing and therefore wouldn't be able to hold a decent conversation.  And when did I become your babe?  I know all of my exes will tell you that I hate that term so don't think that a complete stranger is going to get away with it.  I explicitly state in my profile that if people do say this, they will be ignored.

2. Lack of conversation.

"Hi" Ugh, I hate when I get messages like this.  First of all, this leads to a quickly dying conversation.  Being the sarcastic, semi annoyed person that I am, I will just say "Hi" back.  Ball's back in your court buddy, better come up with something better than that if you want my attention.

3. Commenting on my looks

While it is an ego boost to have a complete stranger tell me I'm pretty or beautiful, it also makes me roll my eyes.  Maybe it's because usually when a guy tells me that, it's because he wants something or he did something wrong.  Also, clearly you are just interested in me based on appearance and probably have not read my profile at all (hint: to weed out these people pose a question in your profile in an obvious spot and say you need to answer this question in a message to you.  Something stupid, mine's about mummies).  It's also cheesy.

4. Get pushy

This gets men blocked right away on my profile.  Do not try to push me for my number within 5 minutes of talking.  Not going to happen.  Why? Because I have never ever met you before and maybe I don't want constant texts/phone calls from you.  Especially before even meeting you because constantly bothering me makes me want to meet you less (true story).  If we have talked for a couple days online and make plans to meet each other, then yes, I have no problem giving you my number in case plans have to change.  If there are no potential plans: why do I want a phone buddy?  If you want to give me your number, that's totally fine.  If I want to call/text, then I will.  Don't then push me for my number.

5. Become a bother

If I don't respond to a message after failing to listen to number 4 above, do not continue to message me every day.  Chances are, I am fed up with you and have given you the label of clingy.  Instant block.

6.  The sex talk

Did I write in my profile I want casual sex?  No? Then don't ask me if that's what I want.  Period.

7.  Ask me if you're my type

How the hell am I supposed to know if I never even met you?  Usually, I don't even know if I like a guy or not until the 3rd or 4th date (exception: my last boyfriend, I knew I liked him on date number 1 immediately after he said Ca-nay-dia).

There is just some advice from things that have happened this week to me.  Fellow ladies: feel free to comment below on other annoyances.

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