Sunday, May 27, 2012

Job Hunting = Box of Chocolates

I'm sure a few of you just thought of the movie Forest Gump reading the title.  "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."  Well, job hunting is the same way, but for different reasons.  Yes, you don't know what you're going to get for an outcome when applying to jobs, but I'm thinking more of when one applies for jobs.

First off, like when you get a box of chocolates, you want to apply for the jobs you find most interesting/favorable first before someone else gets the chance to.  The best chance one has of getting a job is applying as soon as possible because you don't know when they will start interviewing and if they decide to hire a person on the spot. So, like your favorite piece of chocolate, you want the opportunity to have it before someone else.

After you chose your favorites, you start to become less picky about what comes next.  The ones you really want are done, therefore, it's time to start on the other, less interesting ones.  However, unlike the chocolate box, you still want the jobs you're applying to whereas the chocolates, you may not care as much if other people take them. 

Then comes the jobs/chocolates that you'll take/apply to if there is nothing else available.  You still will eat the piece or take the job, but you don't see yourself enjoying it for long and will look for better alternatives.  Usually these are the ones that don't get a second thought afterwards unless of course, you get a call for an interview.

Finally, there are the ones that you avoid.  The ones that even though they're there, you don't want them at all.  The ones usually left in my boxes contain dark chocolate.  Same with the jobs, even though you qualify, you don't want it and therefore don't even apply.  Or in the case of chocolate, don't eat it and give it away.

Of course, applying for jobs may also cause a few boxes of chocolates to appear on your counter.

Another short post but today was a little busy for me both in my professional and personal life.  As always, feel free to comment below or add your own comparisons below.

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